Vol 12 “风格”作为抵抗,“颓废主义”与20世纪东北亚殖民史




主播:Evan,媒体研究 MA; 文化研究 MA 在读

嘉宾:Dee。英语文学助理教授 Warwick




00:03:12 颓废主义运动是什么?

00:11:51 颓废主义的背景与发生:保守性的自我感动还是超越性的反抗运动

00:19:45 “大众品味”的辨析

00:23:17 文化研究视角下的文本:作为意义的中介

00:31:23 颓废主义在中国:新文化运动中的京派与海派之争

00:43:10 东北亚(朝鲜半岛)殖民史与颓废主义

00:47:20 颓废主义在东亚的传播

00:55:30 日本殖民扩张中的颓废主义——作为文化殖民的工具

00:59:48 历史语境下的文化思考

01:08:05 殖民地颓废主义作家的抵抗

01:19:25 颓废主义对于当下的意义:作为一种抵抗的无所事事与游手好闲



Charles Beaudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal:(1861). BoD-Books on Demand, 2023.

Joris-Karl Huysmans (trans. Robert Baldick, Patrick McGuinness), Against Nature (Penguin, 2003)

Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray (first published 1891; Oxford University Press, 2008

Walter Pater, Studies in the History of the Renaissance (first published 1873; Oxford University Press, 2010)

Arthur Symons (ed. Roger Holdsworth), Selected Symons (Carcanet, 1974)

Harold Acton, Peonies and Ponies: A Novel.  (Chatto & Windus, 1950).

Kim Tongin, Sweet Potato: Collected Short Stories by Kim Tongin. (trans. Grace Jung, Honford Star, 2017).

Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, The Tattooer (kindle edition, Japanese)


Kostas Boyiopoulous, Yoonjoung Choi, Matthew Brinton Tildesley (eds.), The Decadent Short Story: An Annotated Anthology (Edinburgh University Press, 2015)

Linda Dowling, Language and Decadence in the Victorian Fin de Siècle (Princeton University Press, 1986)

Kate Hext and Alex Murray (eds.), Decadence in the Age Modernism (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019)

Philip Hoare, Wilde's Last Stand: Decadence, Conspiracy, and the Most Outrageous Trial of the Century (Arcade Publishing, 2017)

Kristin Mahoney, Literature and the Politics of Post-Victorian Decadence (Cambridge University Press, 2015)

Michele Mendelssohn, Making Oscar Wilde (Oxford University Press, 2020)

Alex Murray (ed.), Decadence: A Literary History (Cambridge University Press, 2020)

Matthew Sturgis, Passionate Attitudes: The English Decadence of the 1890s (Pallas Athene, 2011)

David Weir, Decadence: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2018)

Liang Luo, “The Cultural Politics of Staging Salomé in China,” Staging Decadence.

Di WU, Oscar Wilde in East Asia (1890–1945), The Oxford Handbook of Oscar Wilde, (Eds.) Hext, Kate & Murray, Alex (2024). Oxford UP. [forthcoming in 2024]

Di WU, Oscar Wilde in Sinophone Cultures, Global Encyclopaedia of LGBTQ History, (Eds.) Chiang, Howard (2019). Charles Scribner’s Sons Press. pp. 1721–1731

「肌色」の憂鬱:近代日本の人種体験 (《 “肤色”的忧郁 : 近代日本的人种体验》), 社会科学文献出版社·历史学分社, 2021), 73–187.




Quatuor Végh,Sandor Vegh,Sandor Zöldy - String Quartet No. 13 in B-Flat Major, Op. 130: II. Presto

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