Why for Jazz
Why for Jazz 是 Y4 旗下的一档关于爵士乐的音频播客。我们主张爵士不应该只是一种音乐类型,它更为当代都市生活提供了一种可以参考的可能性。我们的口号是:即兴即合理。
Welcome back to the first Mind the Gap in several months. We apologize to our legion of fans for the somewhat unexplained absence, but never fear - we're now back and better than ever. The lads start off with a recap of the past few months (0:33), before discussing an upcoming Mind the Gap trip (12:27). They finish with some UCL talk, as well as some very early thoughts on the 2022 World Cup (19:11).
Make sure to check out our Instagram @MindTheGap.Pod
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