Why for Jazz
Why for Jazz 是 Y4 旗下的一档关于爵士乐的音频播客。我们主张爵士不应该只是一种音乐类型,它更为当代都市生活提供了一种可以参考的可能性。我们的口号是:即兴即合理。
Welcome back to Mind the Gap. We took a week long break to take a look at ourselves and what this podcast has become. Lots of deep thinking took place. We've decided to shorten the episodes for maximum listener enjoyment. No one listens anyways though so it doesn't really matter. We start off the episode with Best of the Internet (0:35), which includes frigid marathons, weed churches in Wisconsin, and the new SAT. We finish with our NFL Conference championship picks and preview (25:58).
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