Episode 04 Lady Gaga曾经长期自残,走出黑暗的她呼吁大家关注心理健康



大咖说 They Said
《大咖说》(They Said)每期节目通过金话筒奖主播刘彦串起各个领域的大咖在近期不同场合接受采访时发表过的精彩言论,旨在带领大家共同学习、共同进步。节目为全英文,所以出现的大咖一般都是英语为母语的外国名人。他们在各自擅长的领域分享经验之谈,内容极具价值。每期节目时长大约在10分钟左右,既可以碎片化式消费,也可以如练习听力般反复精听。

Hey, what's up? Liu Yan here. Welcome to a new episode of They Said.

In case this is your first time listening, let me do a quick self-plug. They Said is a new program I launched recently. In each episode, I'll share a few clips from some of the most fascinating interviews I have come across. The interviewees are all prominent figures who have taught me great lessons in one way or another. Since I believe in lifelong learning, I hope these lessons will also help you in some capacity.

All right, before we get to the meaty stuff today, I just want to give you a heads up. Mental health is going to be a major topic in this episode and certain clips can be quite triggering. That said, I do think it's important to talk about these things, instead of running away from them. But of course, if you are not ready, you are not ready. Don't force yourself. Just know that you have a choice.

The first clip is from Lady Gaga. We all know her as one of the biggest pop stars on the planet. If I'm being 100 percent honest though, I'm just a casual fan of her art. What really attracts me to her, time and time again, is her kindness. In particular, she always uses her platform and influence to shed light on mental health issues, such as depression, suicide and things of that nature.

I do know that she is a survivor of sexual assault, but I had no idea that she was repeatly raped when she was younger, and suffered from severe PTSD as a result. Not surprisingly, for an extended period of time, she used to cut herself.


I've never had any urges to harm myself, but I do know many people suffer from this all-too-real problem. I am in awe of Lady Gaga's courage to share this extremely personal and painful experience. I hope we all listen closely to her key message.


Yes, ask for help. If just one person makes you feel that you are seen, you are heard, it can make all the difference in the world. I could be wrong, but I feel like most Chinese people have never tried therapy and will never conisder therapy. That you-should-never-air-your-dirty-laundry belief. In comparison, the vast majority of foreigners I know, especially Americans, see a therapist or even therapists on a regular basis.

And that's probably why Maybe You Should Talk to Someone is a huge bestseller this year. Its author Lori Gottlieb is a professional therapist, and she knows all too well why therapy is necessary, especially for people who resist this practice. In other words, men.


Now, I have heard some people raise legitimate concerns. For example, "How do I know it's going to work? What if I can't find a therapist that gets me? What if my therapist isn't good at their job and makes me feel worse?"

Lori has a theory about that.


Isn't that fascinating? By the way, I can't help but turn into a fanboy here. Lori Gottlieb is simply the best. Maybe You Should Talk To Someone is such a great book, I don't think it's possible for me to love it more. I laughed, I cried, and I went through a whole gamut of emotions that made me feel lucky to be a human being. I truly strive to have the kind of empathy and compassion Lori has displayed. In other words, this book really changed my life. It's not just a platitude.

And I can't be happier that Maybe You Should Talk to Someone will be turned into a TV series. By Eva Longoria, no less! Eva has been a household name ever since she played Gabrielle on Desperate Housewives. Besides her acting chops and great flair for picking books for TV adaptation, she is also my role model when it comes to drive and work ethics.


I don't know about you, but I think the best response is probably, "GUUUUURL, that's not fair!" She's got the pretty face, the infectious laughter, the obvious talent, and she still pushes herself to learn two languages AND get a master's degree while being a full-time actress? Again, GUUUUUURL, that's just not fair.

I have no excuse not to pick up my Spanish now. I don't want another year to go by and the only thing I can say is Lo Siento. 

That's it for today. If this is your first time listening to They Said, I hope you go back and listen to the previous episode or episodes. It's truly a labor of love. I'm Liu Yan. Let's learn and grow together. See you next time! 

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