Episode 03 《五尺天涯》导演Justin Baldoni大方承认自己“不够男人”



大咖说 They Said
《大咖说》(They Said)每期节目通过金话筒奖主播刘彦串起各个领域的大咖在近期不同场合接受采访时发表过的精彩言论,旨在带领大家共同学习、共同进步。节目为全英文,所以出现的大咖一般都是英语为母语的外国名人。他们在各自擅长的领域分享经验之谈,内容极具价值。每期节目时长大约在10分钟左右,既可以碎片化式消费,也可以如练习听力般反复精听。

Hey, what's up? Liu Yan here. Welcome to a new episode of They Said.

In case this is your first time listening, let me do a quick self-plug. They Said is a new program I launched recently. In each episode, I'll share a few clips from some of the most fascinating interviews I have come across. The interviewees are all prominent figures who have taught me great lessons in one way or another. Since I believe in lifelong learning, I hope these lessons will also help you in some capacity.

All right, let's get down to business. The first clip I'm going to share today is from Justin Baldoni. He is an actor best known for playing the male lead character on the popular TV show Jane The Virgin. 


It's not weird at all. In fact, I love everything Justin said in that clip. He doesn't know me, yet somehow he knows exactly how I feel and exactly what I want to say.

I have always hated the whole men-should-be-super-macho, men-should-strive-to-be-alpha type of schtick. Barring biological differences, men and women really should be the same. So why is it not OK for men to embrace connection, vulnerability and intimacy? Why do we laugh at men who are maybe a bit on the sensitive side?

So, thank you Justin, for saying that you've never been man enough, and some of your favorite qualities about yourself are the stereotypically feminine ones. I hope everyone pays attention.

BTW, Justin Baldoni is also a director. His first feature film came out earlier this year. It's called Five Feet Apart. If you love tearjerkers, you have to check it out.

The second clip I'm gonna share is from Dax Shepard. He is also an actor/director. Apart from his showbiz projects, Dax is known for his endless curiosity. He loves talking to people, and not surprisingly, he has an interesting take on gossip.


Wow, I never knew gossip started that way. I haven't double checked, but I think his explanation makes sense.

Anyway, that's not point. The point is, I love how Dax fully admits that it's normal to love gossip, just like how it's normal to admit that you have a weakness for sweet stuff. Guess what? I love gossip, and I have a sweet tooth, so I feel very exposed, but in a good way.

I do want to make one thing clear, though. I only love harmless gossip, the kind that can lead to some fun, bonding time with your friends. I will never be okay with malicious gossip, where you spread negativity or hatred to sabotage somebody you don't like. That's a big no-no.

Speaking of which, the last clip I'm gonna share is from someone who knows malicious gossip all too well. She is Khloe Kardashian. As one of the Kardashian sisters, she is no stranger to online bullying.


Amen! That is really well said. Like Khloe, I also don't understand why so many people feel the need to go to someone else's page and leave nasty comments. If that person is your mortal enemy, fine, I get it. But if it's just a stranger whose selfie kind of bothers you, or if it's a singer whose music you don't like all that much, why take the time and trouble to go to their page and let them know THEY SUCK? Don't you have better ways to use your energy?

I think Khloe has given us a very good tip here. Don't hate, encourage and uplift instead. Something as small as "Oh, I love your freckles" could do wonders.

That's it for today. If this is your first time listening to They Said, I hope you go back and listen to the previous episode or episodes. It's truly a labor of love. I'm Liu Yan. Let's learn and grow together. See you next time! 

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