更多雅思新鲜资讯及考试相关内容请关注 wechat:a176939107
收听看这里:雅思考试每月四场考情汇报+《雅思口语新周刊》每日最新话题头脑风暴(Mind Map)+超正能量的原创雅思口语内容表达
目标看这里:The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held it so long. 取舍一念间,执着恒久远.
态度在这里:Nothing great ever comes without great sacri
更多雅思相关咨询及备考请关注 vx: a176939107
收听看这里:雅思考试每月四场考情汇报+《雅思口语新周刊》每日最新话题头脑风暴(Mind Map)+超正能量的原创雅思口语内容表达目标看这里:The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held it so long. 取舍一念间,执着恒久远.