第一讲 Asking for and Giving Directions (中)
C: Well, I’m afraid you’re going the wrong way. Go back the way you came from and walk about 200 yards until you come to a tall white building.
1. 语气委婉:I’m afraid
※ What do you think of this financial crisis?
Well=I mean=You know=You know what I mean
2. go the wrong way 走错了
3. measurement 度量衡
weight:kg(kilogram); pound
length:mile, km(kilometer),yard
C: Turn right at the building, walk for two blocks, then you’ll find a big bookstore on your right. The subway station is just next to the bookstore.
1. block 街区
2. 发音技巧:next to 第一个t不发音
Once Susan comes back, please tell her that I’ve called.
发音技巧:once Susan 第一个c不发音
A: Could you draw me a map, please?
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